Crisis On Infinite Earths Finale Review: 9 Ups & 2 Downs From Parts 4 And 5

8. Legends Brings The Levity

Crisis On Infinite Earths Legends of Tomorrow Mick Rory Heat Wave
The CW

Whoever decided to have Legends close the Crisis-themed show deserves a raise.

After the Arrow offering left everyone in an understandably emotional place, it was up to Legends to raise our spirits for a triumphant and enjoyable final act that would remind us why we loved these shows in the first place. Naturally, it did that in the only way it knew how: By having a giant Beebo show up and terrorize Star City in the midst of Mick Rory's book-signing. As you do.

This was the light-hearted levity that we needed following Oliver's untimely demise and it really does go without saying that the Legends delivered.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.