Curb Your Enthusiasm: 10 Worst Things Larry David Ever Did

1. Sets Up A Spite Store... Then Burns It Down

Larry David Curb

They meet in Season 7 during the Seinfeld reunion episode: Larry David and Mocha Joe. Immediately you can feel the tension: Like Frazier and Ali, they become arch enemies, something that develops in Season 10.

Growing increasingly unhappy with a number of issues at Joe’s coffee shop (which leads Joe to blacklist him), Larry sets up his own, just next door with better service, electric smart mugs and tables that aren’t wobbly. As if the Hollywood-royalty-member of 40 years didn’t have enough money, he sets out to put this poor man out business.

In a Marxist prediction made real, we see how the competition forces both businesses to lower their prices dramatically, verging on the brink of bankruptcy. If this isn’t enough, the carelessness of one of Larry’s employees sets the place on fire one evening, a situation which is made tragic when Larry deliberately blockades the fire engines (not believing there is a real emergency) that are trying to reach the scene to put out the fire. Both Latte Larry’s and Mocha Joe's places are burnt to ashes and put out of business.

Oh, Larry *facepalm emoji*.

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Hello there! I am a history student studying at the University of Edinburgh. Originally from Barcelona but have lived in the UK all my life, in London and in Manchester. Aside from history/politics, my passions are film, football and music. Follow me on instagram @adriaarandabalibrea and on twitter @adria_aranda. Hope you enjoy my writing!