Daredevil: 10 Characters Who Must Appear In Season 2

1. Elektra

Daredevil Characters
Marvel Comics

Like with Bullseye, Marvel made the choice to avoid using Elektra in the first season of Daredevil. Perhaps because they wanted to avoid any comparisons with Jennifer Garner’s two appearances as the character in the film version of Daredevil and then later in Elektra’s own solo film.

The daughter of a Greek ambassador to the United States, Elektra began dating Matt Murdock when they were in college. This was referenced in the first season of Daredevil when in a flashback to their college days, Foggy asks Matt about the Greek girl he’d been dating.

While in college, Elektra and her father were kidnapped by terrorists and when Matt’s rescue attempt failed, Elektra’s father was killed. Devastated, she left America to study the martial arts and was trained by Stick to become a member of the Chaste. Instead, Elektra sided with the Hand and became one of their assassins.

Later, Elektra came to New York and worked for the Kingpin, where she frequently clashed with Daredevil until her eventual murder at the hands of Bullseye.

The story of Elektra and Matt is a tragic love story that would certainly fit the world of the TV show. Elektra is a wonderful character and watching relationship would make for some extremely compelling viewing. 

Which other characters would you like to see introduced in season 2 of Daredevil? Add yours below.

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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com