Daredevil: 10 Most Shocking Moments From Season 1

3. Ben Urich Meets An Untimely Demise

Ben Urich has been a staple of Daredevil's comics for a long time, and is arguably the best supporting character to ever lend their assistance to Matt himself. Afflicted with knowing the vigilante's true identity in the comics, Ben's obligations to Matt as a friend and his strong moral character as well prevented him from unleashing a story that would've made him millions. Not only that, but in the critically-acclaimed 'End of Days' storyline Ben puts his life and career on the line to uncover the meaning of Matt's last words, and, more importantly, to make sure the Devil of Hell's Kitchen was remembered as a hero. It's quite clear then that Mr. Urich is a pivotal character in the Daredevil mythos - brave in every sense of the word. This made the moment in which he was murdered at the hands of Fisk completely gut wrenching and terrifying at the same time. Staying true to his principles to his last breath, Ben would rather die than betray himself to the corruption he'd always strived to defeat, but this particular death holds far more significance than any others in the series. As a recurring member of Daredevil's adventures, the decision to axe Urich off this early on in the show's existence was a very bold move to make, especially when it may have had the effect of frustrating those who wished to see Matt and Ben's relationship evolve and grow over time. No matter the long-term effects Ben's death may have, it certainly had the effect of reinforcing the fact that no one is safe in this particular piece of the MCU.
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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.