Daredevil Season 2: 6 Massive Hints From The Trailer

6. A Rivalry Of Ideologies

The teaser opens with a shot of a cemetery, a foreboding nod towards the central characters of Daredevil Season 2; Matt Murdock and Frank Castle. Both men have been marked by crime invading their lives like termites; one losing their father due to his desire to make his son proud and not bow down to mobsters and the other losing his entire family because having a picnic in Central Park on a beautiful day is never a good idea because the buffet could become bullets when a shootout takes place. The graveyard holds significance as either the resting place of Jack Murdock or Frank Castle€™s wife and children. The possibility that both parties are buried there is a tantalizing one and I can€™t help but smile at the prospect of both men visiting their families and not knowing who the other is. This season of Daredevil is going to be one of a rivalry of ideologies. Matthew feels guilt for a reason; his father died because he wanted to make his son proud. Because of this guilt, he feels the need to help people within and outside the realms of the law and, make no mistake about it, he will try to €˜help€™ The Punisher to stop killing people by becoming a target himself. Although both characters have tragic backstories, it is their respective reactions to these events that will provide the backbone for the entire season€™s main arc. Matt still believes in the law (with a hefty dose of vigilantism), while the Punisher believes that only the permanency of a bullet will fix things. Matt Murdock states that he does not kill. But The Punisher? He has to. How Daredevil will deal with a man so determined on dealing out his own brand of lethal justice will be beautiful, in a bloody, painful, tooth-spitting way.
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.