Daredevil Season 3: 8 Things That Must Happen

5. Karen's Past Revealed

Karen Page is definitely not your average legal secretary who is romantically involved with a masked vigilante - she is actually someone just as enigmatic and secretive as the superhero of the title. Not only is she the murderer of Fisk's assistant Wesley, she also has a dark event in her past that has been alluded to over the past couple of seasons.

Clues for this tragedy include the fact that she is unusually proficient at firearms - so much so that she impressed that massive gun-nut the Punisher - and that she used to have a brother. Our biggest hint at her secret happened when Ellison showed Karen what Ben Urich had researched about her before he died. A newspaper clipping outlining the event can only be glimpsed on screen for a second but, with the amazing power of the pause button, we can see that the headline reads 'Mystery Accident Causes Teen Fatality.' Presumably, the 'teen fatality' refers to Karen's brother - and you can bet that the 'accident' was actually caused in some way by Karen.

As Matt has now divulged his greatest secret to Karen - the fact that he is Daredevil - hopefully she will do the same with him and reveal the full details of this accident.


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