Daredevil Season 3: 8 Things That Must Happen

1. Bullseye Must Appear

Ever since it was announced that Daredevil was getting his own TV show, fans have been theorising about how his nemesis Bullseye would be adapted for the series. While Kingpin is Matt Murdock's most evergreen foe, and was rightly the one to be used first, Bullseye is the character who hits Daredevil where it hurts most. For instance, Bullseye is the killer of Elektra in the comics. His absence was sorely felt in season two when another character filled this role, in what should have been one of the villain's iconic moments.

As such, Bullseye is overdue an appearance on the show. While we understand that the series has been packed with enough great characters so far, he can't be held off any longer. Actually, some think that he has already appeared in the show, as one of Fisk's snipers in season open had a playing card on his person - something that Bullseye has memorably turned into a deadly weapon in the comics. If this is him, it will be even easier to introduce him into the fold.

Like we needed the Daredevil TV show to cleanse the palette after the misguided 2003 movie, we need a new Bullseye to wash away the memory of the character's, let's say, larger-than-life portrayal at the hands of Colin Farrell in that film. How about Jason Statham, who was linked with the show prior to season 2?

What else should happen in Daredevil season three? Let us know in the comments?


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