Daughters Of The Dragon: 8 Reasons Why It Should Be Netflix's Next Marvel Series
7. Colleen Wing Is A Fantastic Character Too

The flip side to a potential Knight-Wing series is that Colleen herself is also an established fan favourite character. Given the critical reaction to Iron Fist too, that's saying something.
Jessica Henwick's turn as Wing was one of the few brief glimmers of quality that audiences were treated to in the show, so it would make plenty of sense to ensure that the character remains at the forefront of Marvel's Netflix programming. The most obvious and indeed best way to make sure Colleen stays in the spotlight would be to - y'know - put her in her own show, or better yet to make one with Misty involved.
There's plenty of history to explore with Colleen, and indeed, any DOTD spin-off would ensure that the character got ample screen-time. Her past with The Hand alone possesses bags of cinematic potential, and, when you factor in the inevitable fallout following The Defenders, she is - along with Misty - the perfect candidate to explore the ever-changing landscape of Marvel's New York.