David Lynch Releases The Weirdest Coffee Ad Ever

David Lynch has pulled a seriously macabre Paul Newman and recently announced the release of his own brand of coffee.

David LynchDavid Lynch has pulled a seriously macabre Paul Newman and recently announced the release of his own brand of coffee. It's called David Lynch Signature Cup Organic and it is his absolute perfect cup of coffee. And he wants to promote it. Lynch is no stranger to what makes a good cup of coffee. He recently confessed his 20 cup a day habit in an article entitled "Obsessed," an essay devoted to his love of coffee and its texture, taste and reliability. But Lynch decided to put himself where he is most familiar, behind the camera to direct a new commercial for his brand of coffee. Of course, it wouldn't be quite Lynch if there weren't dimly lit strobe effects and strange narration careening over creepy sounds. I seriously wish I could explain in words how strange this ad is, yet how much it actually makes sense. In a way, it's as if Lynch is trying to encapsulate the feeling one gets when drinking a cup of coffee. The ad confuses your senses long enough to actually make you feel this, and strangely enough, I kind of want a cup of coffee right now.
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David Lynch
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Jay is a pop culture addict. When he's not consuming aforementioned addiction, he can be seen sleeping. For some more insights and film news and recommendations you can follow him on Twitter @CriticalJayD Or you can add him on Google+