Dexter: 5 Changes That Would Have Improved The Finale

3. Dexter Surrenders To His "Dark Passenger"

Dexter Murder The entire series has teased, suggested, and hinted at a moment that never came: Dexter giving into his deepest, darkest, most murderous urges. I always wanted to see Dexter truly come unhinged, throw the code out the window, and let his dark passenger completely take control of his actions €“ if only for a moment. What better moment than the series finale to show Dexter's demons on full display? It's something that could only be triggered by the horrific murders of Hannah and Harrison (or at least one of them). Killing Deb off in the finale to motivate Dexter's final act was way too predictable to be the only major character death in the finale. Dexter was once a show that took bold risks and was not afraid to kill off a character that you wouldn't have expected. The finale was there last chance, and they blew it. Even if it was Deb that had to go, it should have been much more catastrophic for Dexter. Something that causes him to finally snap and go on a vengeful killing rampage of the big bad, his associates, and €“ this part is key €“ an innocent that means something to the Big Bad. This would finally allow for Dexter to break the code once and for all, and would also give an opportunity to address the role of Dexter's father Harry as the voice of reason for the entirety of the show. We could have a transition into his dark passenger becoming his murderous brother Rudy aka The Ice Truck Killer €“ how cool would that be? Again this was brought into the show at one point, and inexplicably thrown out.
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Obsessive fan of film, TV, books, comics, music, podcasts, and more. I celebrate all things nerdy--especially Star Wars. I'm an avid collector of memorabilia and vinyl records. I'm a freelance writer and ranter, residing in Seattle WA. Follow me on twitter @JakeSkywalker33