Dexter: 5 Changes That Would Have Improved The Finale

1. Dexter Dies

Dexter2 I think Clyde Phillips' description of how he would've ended the series is almost perfect. It's at least a vast improvement over what Scott Buck and the final season's writers ended up with. I would add something to that final scene about him briefly seeing Harry as the one administering the lethal injection, as Harry explains how he'd tried to help Dexter by teaching him the code but it just wasn't enough to restrain Dexter's murderous tendencies forever, and now the only option left is to put Dexter down. And as Dexter looks at the gallery filled with all his past victims, he locks eyes with some of the big ones like Rita, and we can get some flashback-and-forth from this to his mother's murder in the shipping container and him crying and covered in blood €“ his genesis of being "born in blood" that we've seen before. The last person he locks eyes with is a horribly distraught Deb, who isn't dead, and the camera slowly pulls back from a close-up on her face to reveal that she is actually the only one in the gallery as Dexter breaths his last breath. Now that would have been an appropriate and awesome conclusion. Enough call backs to previous characters and plot lines to reward the audience for sticking with the show, and simultaneously give them real closure. Dark, deadly, tragic. The way a show about a serial killer should've ended. Were you satisfied with how Dexter concluded? What changes would you have made? Please add your comments.
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