Dexter: 8 Loose Ends That Season 8 Probably Won’t Tie Up

7. The Whereabouts Of Lumen, The Prados, Astor & Cody (& Pretty Much Any Other Guest Character)

This is a natural extension to the way the supporting cast is treated. It seems that guest stars are trotted out on this show only to be offed on Dexter€™s table. And when they don€™t naturally wind up there? We get a contrived excuse for them to run away all together. Hell, if we go as far back as season three we realise that, in the case of the Prados, we didn€™t even get that luxury. Miguel€™s wife is still alive, as is his brother€who was quite intent on killing Dexter for a while wasn€™t he? The way that the writers got rid of Astor and Cody was a real testament to their lack of respect for fans. It was like something straight out of a soap opera. Oh, Rita€™s dead? Well I guess we better send them to their grandparents. Dexter won€™t complain about that. Their short lived return last season was a nice nod to fans. But a nod isn€™t enough, if you€™re not bringing them back into the main story line; can you at least give them some real closure before the final episode comes around? Somehow I doubt we€™ll be getting that. As for Lumen, it doesn€™t seem necessary to have her return given her ending. But it€™s still a perfect example of the way that we have been consistently deprived of real change in the series. Just when a character or event poses a real development to the series, a new season rolls around and the slate is refreshed. Which leads me to one particularly annoying loose end that will probably be ignored€

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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.