5. The Girl Who Waited
A mini-masterpiece, many episodes of Doctor Who attempt to convince the audience of Amy and Rory's devotion to each other, but this one definitively proves it. There's a lot going on between the two characters here all set off by the fascinating premise of the two Amys. I view this episode as being Rory's story much like Amy's Choice where Amy is forced to choose between her two men. this is Rory's choice, where he's forced to choose between his two wives. It marks the climax of Rory's character arc from nurse to becoming very much like the Doctor himself when he is forced to make one of those terrible moral decisions that the Doctor is faced with every day. Beyond epic betrayal and unforgettable drama however there is a lot of subtlety in the performances of our two leads. Darvill doesn't get enough credit for the things he can do with a script in this one without dialogue or cue he makes it clear how torn up Rory is over seeing Amy grown old. He isn't sad that she's older; he loves his wife no matter what. If anything, he's just sad he didn't get to grow old with her. It is a very human piece of drama that is a testament to what science fiction and the Doctor Who show can do.