Doctor Who: Ranking The Christmas Specials From Worst To Best

7. Voyage Of The Damned

The one with the space Titanic. I'd be willing to place this one last, but it has one thing going for it over The Runaway Bride - its originality (within Doctor Who canon at least - there's a startlingly similar episode of Futurama to be looked at). Unfortunately, like the aforementioned, Voyage of the Damned has little else going for it. Let's start with the characters - Kylie Minogue's Astrid is a personality vacuum - as forgettable as the tree statues in The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe and just as wooden. Banakafalata is cute but quickly becomes irritating before he is mercifully done away with, and the snivelling rich guy is groan inducing at every turn. Why Davies elected to keep him alive is a mystery. David Tennant phones in his performance as the 10th Doctor - offering little that is memorable beyond his famous 'I'm the Doctor' speech. It's a shame, because the fun premise could have sailed (sorry) a little better with some more interesting performances. As it is, the characters are your run of the mill disaster movie fodder. Then there are the monsters - creepy angels? Haven't we seen that before? Like, really quite recently? But the forgettable Hosts are not a patch on Max Capricorn - the grinning, OTT bastard child of Davros and Anthony Ainley's Master. His teeth even sparkle when he smiles! Come on Russell, I know it's Christmas but there's such a thing as too much camp.

26 year old novelist and film nerd from London. Currently working on his third novel and dreaming up more list-based film articles to flood WhatCulture with.