Doctor Who: 10 Characters Who Should Return For The 60th Anniversary (And Beyond)

9. Trinity Wells

Doctor Who Martha Jones
BBC Studios

You may not know her name, but you've definitely seen Trinity Wells' face before.

From her onscreen debut reporting the spaceship crashing into the Thames in Aliens of London, Wells was front and centre during the coverage of most extra-terrestrial goings on during Russell T Davies' first tenure in charge.

An anchor for the fictional AMNN news network, Wells' crisp American accent lent a sense of gravitas to some of the biggest moments of the Davies regime, from the arrival of the Sycorax, to President Winters' speech aboard the Valiant, to the ATMOS crisis.

She ended up becoming one of the most consistent parts of RTD's first era and made the events of the show feel truly global, so now that Russell is back in the big chair, it would be an amazing nod to the past to bring this cherished micro-character back to Doctor Who.

All she needs to do is pop up for one scene, announce something big is happening, and then go. Nobody's asking for a deep dive into her backstory or for her to play a major role. And with AMNN being glimpsed on a TV screen in the 60th anniversary's Eurovision trailer, a return for Trinity seems like it might be on the cards.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.