Doctor Who: 10 Characters Who Should Return For The 60th Anniversary (And Beyond)

6. Harry

Doctor Who Martha Jones
BBC Studios

Before you all exclaim, "Who?" just hear us out, because this is a good one. Promise.

Harry was one of Bill's housemates in the Series 10 episode Knock Knock, and his inclusion may have offered a hint as to what happened to a companion from way back in the day.

As we discussed in our recent list 10 Doctor Who Characters More Important Than You Realised, Harry was originally going to be revealed as the grandson of Fourth Doctor companion Harry Sullivan.

While this connection ended up getting cut from the final episode, there's nothing stopping young Harry, played by Colin Ryan, from turning up again and revealing his real heritage.

The elder Harry was a medical officer working for UNIT when the Third Doctor regenerated into the Fourth. He ended up joining Tom Baker for the next several adventures, travelling alongside Sarah Jane and also encountering the Brigadier.

So, imagine young Harry showing up again, only this time, he's landed a job with UNIT?

It would be a great way to pay homage to those Fourth Doctor days, and would see Harry working alongside another relative of a Fourth Doctor companion – the Brigadier's daughter, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.