The news that a new Doctor will be unveiled on Sunday has started something of frenzy in the media in a way only Doctor Who can. Love it or loath it (and I assume you either love it because you clicked on this article, or you've got a dodgy mouse) Doctor Who is one of the flagship shows of the entire 'geek' movement. It's what Sheldon Cooper sits down to watch every Saturday at 6.45 and if it's good enough for him, then hot damn, it's good enough for you. The fact of the matter is that Doctor Who is as synonymous with the whole culture in much the same way as Marvel, DC, or latter-day saint (not in that way) Joss Whedon. So when a new Doctor's being announced, you can bet your bottom dollar we're all going to take to our keyboards and speculate feverishly. The great thing is that now the whole world's got in on our act of wildly overthinking television shows, the levels of hype surrounding anything to do with the Timelord have reached fever pitch. Newspapers now dedicate valuable column inches to the debate, actors are practically dragged from their beds and questioned about whether they're a leading candidate and media-dedicated websites get completely clogged with articles speculating upon who's going to grab one of the most iconic roles on TV. Insofar as this hype is concerned, I'm not part of the solution, I'm part of the problem. I love Doctor Who, so I'm one of those people who will scour the internet for a whiff of casting news about any part, not just the Doctor himself. So in light of the recent news, I've taken it upon myself to cobble together a list of potential TARDIS-dwellers, in preparation for judgement day this weekend. So without further ado, here's the 10 final candidates for the 12th Doctor. Enjoy!