Doctor Who: 10 Secrets Of The Sonic Screwdriver You Need To Know

6. Ace’s Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who sonic screwdriver Fourteenth Doctor Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

Plenty of characters have wielded a sonic screwdriver (or a variation thereupon) over the years. There's the aforementioned laser screwdriver, Miss Foster's sonic pen from Partners in Crime, and who could forget good old Sarah Jane and her sonic lipstick?

These are fine and all, but what about some examples from classic Who? Any non-Doctor sonics out there? Well yes, there very nearly were.

In the 1989 serial Battlefield, companion Ace was supposed to be given her own newly-constructed sonic. This may have acted as a precursor to her becoming a Time Lord-in-training, a plotline that would've materialised had the show not met its end later that year.

For whatever reason, Ace's screwdriver was axed from the story's final plans, though out of all the Doctor's companions, doesn't Ace seem the perfect choice to be given one of her own? With her bash first, ask questions later attitude, it would be fun to see her wielding a weapon like the sonic.

Considering that she's now a player in the Whoniverse after The Power of the Doctor, maybe now is the time to do what Battlefield didn't!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.