Doctor Who: 10 Secrets Of The Sonic Screwdriver You Need To Know

2. It Exists In Real Life (Sort Of)

Doctor Who sonic screwdriver Fourteenth Doctor Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

Doctor Who has a habit of accidentally predicting our future. Things like NFTs, ice volcanoes, and tenth planets were all featured in the show before they became reality, and we might one day be able to add the sonic to that list too.

In 2012, scientists working at the University of Dundee in Scotland developed an ultrasonic device capable of not just moving items, but rotating them accurately. This breakthrough was hoped to give surgeons more freedom to use ultrasound to treat a number of conditions, without the need to cut open the patient.

While this "real" sonic screwdriver can't run thousands of calculations at the same time, it was still a landmark achievement in medical science. "Like Doctor Who's own device, our sonic screwdriver is capable of much more than just spinning things around", said Dr. Mike MacDonald, of the Institute for Medical Science and Technology at Dundee.

Doctor Who has been around for so long that its effects on everyday life are clear to see. Fingers crossed that the next Who-related invention is somebody figuring out how to make a fridge bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

Unlimited snacks? Yes please.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.