Doctor Who: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Daleks

8. It's Pronounced Darlek

Doctor Who Dalek dome lights
BBC Studios

"What does the Doctor eat with their spaghetti?"

"Dalek Bread."

Nope. Sorry. That joke fundamentally does not work. Dalek and garlic don't rhyme, unless you're putting an erroneous "r" in there. And let's face it, we've all had that one friend or family member who insists on calling the Doctor's greatest enemies the Dar-leks.

Quite where this strange pronunciation first originated is unclear. The generally well-spoken Doctor's elongated "aah" sound is being misinterpreted as a posh "r", perhaps?

Or is it a misunderstanding of that oft-repeated story about Terry Nation coming up with the name by looking at an encyclopedia that covered everything from DAL to LEK? Did people think he got the name from the DAR to LEK edition instead?

Whatever the reason, there is definitely not an "r" in Dalek. They're mutated Kaleds, not mutated Karleds for goodness sake.

Still, Dalek Bread is actually quite tasty, if a little bit of a hassle to make.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.