Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Eleventh Doctor

8. He Encountered A Record Number Of Duplicates

Doctor Who Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

Most Doctors have to contend with duplicates of some sort, be they evil lookalikes, or literal splinters of themselves – and the Eleventh Doctor was no exception.

He came face-to-fleshy-face with a doppelgänger in The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People, but the Flesh wasn’t the only entity to steal this Doctor’s likeness.

Prisoner Zero did the same thing in The Eleventh Hour, as did the Teselecta in The Wedding of River Song. Then there’s the Spoonhead that impersonates the Doctor in The Bells of Saint John, and ‘Mr Clever’ in Nightmare in Silver.

Doctor Who Nightmare in Silver
BBC Studios

And that's without even mentioning all the cases where time-wimey shenanigans resulted in two Matt Smiths appearing onscreen: there's the ‘dead’ future Doctor in The Big Bang; the ‘wibbly lever’ Doctor in Comic Relief minisode Time; the Darillium Doctor in DVD minisode Last Night; and the ‘Big Friendly Button’ Doctor in Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.

The Eleventh Doctor also encounters another copy of himself in Let’s Kill Hitler, when the TARDIS’ voice interface briefly assumes his form.

This is surely some kind of record. BBC bosses clearly realised you can never have too much Matt Smith!

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