Doctor Who: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Eleventh Doctor

2. His Bow Ties Were Colour-Coded

Doctor Who Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

The Eleventh Doctor certainly had a good dress sense. But was there more to his outfits than meets the eye?

It’s not an exact science, but some fans have noticed that the colour scheme of the Doctor’s bow tie in Series 5 corresponds to the time period he’s visiting – red for future and present, blue for past.

Just as the Thirteenth Doctor’s magenta t-shirt tended to appear more in historical stories, so did the Eleventh Doctor’s blue bow tie, featuring in all three Series 5 historicals: Victory of the Daleks, The Vampires of Venice, and Vincent and the Doctor.

Conversely, most of the contemporary and future-set stories of Series 5 feature the red bow tie. The only exceptions to the rule are The Lodger (which uses the blue outfit), The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang (which uses the red one), and Amy’s Choice (which uses both).

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour
BBC Studios

This bow tie rule also continues into Series 6, though again with a few exceptions.

Eagle-eyed fans will also notice that there are two different tweed jackets worn by Smith in Series 5: the more chequered tweed worn in Victory of the Daleks and The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, and the more textured tweed, worn across the rest of the series.

Doctor Who Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor
BBC Studios

We knew bow ties were cool, but this takes things to a whole other level!

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!