Doctor Who: The Giggle Review - 8 Ups And 4 Downs

11. DOWN - UNIT’s Upgrade

Doctor Who The Giggle
BBC Studios

What in the Avengers has happened to UNIT?!

Having made significant strides since being shut down during the Chibnall era, UNIT appears to have gotten a tremendous offscreen upgrade in the last few years, with their Disney-endorsed Stark Tower replica and fancy James Bond gadgets. They’ve redecorated… and we don’t like it.

We understand the desire to modernise UNIT a little bit, but they’ve lost a little of the old-school ‘Brigadier’ appeal they’ve always had, feeling a little more like Doctor Who’s off-brand version of Marvel’s SHIELD. They’re meant to be well-intentioned but mostly ineffectual – but with all this cash coming out the wazoo it’s hard to see them as plucky anymore. There wasn’t a single red beret in sight.

It was good to see Kate back along with Shirley, but they weren’t given a lot to do beyond Kate getting to showcase the virus, and the inclusion of the random unexplained robot left us with a pile of questions and absolutely no answers. We can’t help but feel they should've saved this for an episode where they had more spare runtime.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.