Even Rick Will Die In The Walking Dead Eventually
Why would you even be surprised?

If you can trust Robert Kirkman for one thing, it's that he will eventually take everyone you know and love and kill them horribly for dramatic effect. Or at least that's how it feels to The Walking Dead fans, who have cowered at his capacity for murder and heart-break.
And unfortunately (but not surprisingly) it really doesn't look like The Walking Dead is going to come to a close with a happy ending.
Kirkman has done a Reddit AMA, confirming that he does have an idea for how it ends but "it's not happening for a long, LOOOOOONG time", and in his usual cheeky way, he's also basically foreshadowed the death of Rick Grimes.
Asked by one particularly loquacious fan "do Rick die?", Kirkman added "he do eventually", suggesting he has some distant plan to kill off Grimes. Or that he's making a profound philosophical statement about all things coming to an end. It's probably the former, to be honest, since the chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse (or any apocalypse) eventually become zero if you survive long enough.
He also reiterated his stance when asked who his favourite character is...
"I don't play favorites. They all die eventually.
Is that a hint that Carl is the victim of Negan's bat at the end of season 6? Could that be why Kirkman also said that season 7 episode 1 is going to be hard on everyone, but "especially Rick"? Surely he can't kill off Rick's boy after everything he's already been through?
Of course he can (though he does later in the AMAopenly state that Negan killed Carl, and it's unlikely he's being truthful).
Anyway, he won't be around to mourn for long anyway, knowing Kirkman.