Every Buffy The Vampire Slayer Holiday Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

2. 'Halloween' (Season 2, Episode 6)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fear Itself
Mutant Enemy

The first Buffy Halloween adventure, and the quintessential entry for this holiday, season two's aptly-titled Halloween brings Giles' old friend-turned-nemesis, Ethan Rayne (Robin Sachs) to Sunnydale, with a shop full of cursed costumes for the town's students to snap up.

Press-ganged by Principal Snyder (Armin Shimerman) into accompanying Sunnydale's children on the evening trick or treat run, all of the gang are out and about when the dark magic takes hold, turning everyone into the most literal translation of their costumes: Willow (Alyson Hannigan) becomes a ghost, Xander a soldier, and Buffy a helpless, genteel, 18th-century lady -- almost all with no recollection of each other, or any other creature of the night.

Really making the most of its premise, this episode has Spike (James Marsters) lead a gang of pint-sized demons on a reign of terror around town, Willow gets stuck between life and death in the sexy outfit she had on underneath her white bedsheet, and Xander has to be restrained from turning Sunnydale's transfigured children into another statistic.

The Scooby Gang possess a sense of who they turned into throughout the show thereafter and, when our heroes find themselves in seemingly unsolvable situations, Xander's military knowledge is often drawn upon; a true soldier in the machine.


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.