Every HBO Comedy Ranked From Worst To Best

53. The Neistat Brothers

Selina Meyers Veep

Casey and Van Neistat are two YouTubing brothers who’ve found fame (Casey especially) for their intimate and revealing autobiographical videos. Like most good YouTubers, they forge a relationship with their viewers, who feel more like friends as fans as the content creators invite us into their lives.

It’s a decent way to make a living, but compelling TV, it’s not. Your enjoyment of this will be very much dependent on how charming you find the Neistats. While there’s nothing objectionable about either of them, it can feel nigh on unbelievable that this is what passes for TV (premium TV at that) these days.

The series constitutes a day in the life of two guys who don’t do all that much, and don’t have an enormous amount to say for themselves. For the initiated, it’s no doubt great, and the brothers have found success for a reason, and through hard graft. For anyone else, it’s 30 minutes of watching a pair of ordinary guys strolling about.

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HBO Veep
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)