Every HBO Comedy Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Curb Your Enthusiasm

Selina Meyers Veep

Larry David has one of the best jobs in the world. For an undoubtedly sizeable pay packet, he turns up to HBO whenever he wants and is given free reign to write another series of TV in which he mucks about with the cream of the comedy crop, airs grievances, and produces yet more small screen gold.

This is of course a disservice to one of the most consistent comedies in TV history. While much of Curb’s dialogue is famously improvised, the story beats laid out by Larry and his team are razor sharp blueprints for madness. Like Seinfeld before it, the best Curb episodes have beautiful, maze-like logical structures, with as many as half a dozen disparate plots somehow meeting at the end.

Playing himself, Larry is one of the funniest TV characters of all time. The put-upon millionaire has a terminal habit of putting his foot in it, calling people out for failing to observe the unwritten rules of society. He’s usually right, though he goes about things in a particularly combative manner.

At 11 seasons and counting, here’s hoping Curb keeps going until Larry’s in the ground, though the consummate artist probably has a plan for that, too.

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HBO Veep
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)