Every Marvel TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

10. Legion (2017-2018)

Marvel TV Shows Ranked
20th Television

Legion is a strange beast, simultaneously a low-key X-Men event and a project that, due to the relative obscurity of its characters and its daring assessment of fractured mental health, doesn't always feel like a Marvel property at all.

But such is its appeal. Following the son of Charles Xavier (Dan Stevens), a mutant diagnosed with schizophrenia, Legion's sensitivity regarding its hero's anguish is truly commendable, as are its staggering performances and stunning visuals, which capture David Haller's psychological torment with vivid intensity.

It wasn't always smooth sailing, the psychedelic melodrama of it all sometimes leading to silly exposition dumps, but Legion still worked brilliantly with what it had, exploring complex issues without losing sight of the superhero or the entertaining conspiracy theories surrounding him at its centre.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.