Every Simpson, Griffin & Belcher Family Member Ranked
7. Brian Griffin
Brian breaks up the typical pattern the Animation Domination families all follow of mom, dad and three kids, and also breaks the three-in-a-row streak of Belchers bunched around the middle.
Even though he’s not really part of the Griffins technically, he’s done way more than enough to be an official member of the family. It was nice to see The Simpsons Guy wink at this in the Simpsons Family Guy crossover, pairing Brian up with Santa’s Little Helper, but ultimately that did waste his potential a little.
Brian is dry, witty and typically gets some of the most creative storylines, including the fantastic Road To adventures with Stewie.
The problem with Brian is that he can be quite polarising; some would have him much higher, others much lower. He started off as a voice of reason within the madness, but evolved into more of a mouthpiece.
This works well when they lampshade it, or when Brian tries to be woke but only exposes himself as a fraud. It can definitely come off as preachy when played too straight, though.
Oh, and remember that time they pretended he was dead for a couple of episodes? Not cool.