Every Simpsons Christmas Special - Ranked

11. White Christmas Blues

Simpsons Christmas

White Christmas Blues is a quintessentially modern Simpsons episode. The plot feels slightly out of place, pushing the family into doing something different, and we get an array of one-shot characters as the writers try to stay fresh. You also get the sense that they’re ditching the earlier, timeless quality as they react to trends to stay relevant.

It’s good in parts without ever being great. Seeing as it occurs in Season 25, there’s a good chance a lot of Simpsons fans might not even have seen it. But with TV stations likely to rerun Christmas specials, ‘tis the season to catch up.

After the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant causes snowfall, Springfield is inundated with tourists. Just like when Tinseltown rolled into Springfield to film Radioactive Man, local merchants jack up the prices. The family can no longer afford Christmas, and instead open their house to boarders.

Evergreen Terrace has been a hostel previously, in Season 16’s The Heartbroke Kid, and it’s not too different here. It starts off as a sweet Christmas get together, but slowly devolves into the family becoming stressed out. It’s clearly Christmas themed, but lacking the warmth you’d expect a special to bring.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)