Every Star Trek Reference In Futurama

22. Data Parallel In The Birdbot Of Ice-Catraz

Star Trek Futurama

The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz parallels the Next Generation episode Thine Own Self. In the Star Trek episode, Data crashes on a planet with a pre-industrial civilisation after trying to track a probe containing radioactive materials. The crash causes him to lose his memory and he integrated into the society, having no idea who he is. By the time the crew of The Enterprise arrive, Data has been killed by a resident of the community. Knowing that Data has simply been deactivated, they reactivate him, which cause him to reboot and regain his memories, although he has no idea what happened during his time within the community.

By the time the crew of The Enterprise arrive, Data has been killed by a resident of the community. Knowing that Data has simply been deactivated, they reactivate him, which cause him to reboot and regain his memories, although he has no idea what happened during his time within the community.

The Futurama episode has a similar plot in which Bender suffers a head injury and loses his memory of who he is, thinking he is a penguin. He integrates, like Data, into a community of Penguins. However, when Leela shoots him in the head, he reboots and regains the memories of who he is, returning to his normal self and life.

The episode is a nice tongue in cheek reference to Star Trek and the penguins as a stand-in for the pre-industrial society is a funny touch that brings the story into more of humourous place that Futurama can tell it.


Consumer of visual media, attempted writer