Every Walking Dead Villain Ranked Worst To Best

13. Dawn

The Walking Dead Beta
Gene Page/AMC

Officer Dawn Lerner was the leader of the Grady Memorial Hospital, a group of survivors who barricaded themselves on the upper levels of the medical facility. She was a strict and severe leader that saved other people from the walkers, but audiences only saw her for a few episodes of Season 5.

While helping people, her rules were harsh, and involved anyone who was saved being required to work off the cost of the medical supplies used on them.

She saved Beth Greene but her placement on this list comes from her cruel method of leadership. Dawn often beat her own people, forcing amputations and procedures against the victims' wishes.

Dawn was a callous leader, however the main reason that she is remembered is because she accidentally killed Beth. Her actions throughout her appearance were out of desperation and ranks low because she never fully sank to true villainous depths.


If you have clicked on here, get ready to be bored. I'm just a 20 year old white male who has a (probably) unhealthy obsession with pop culture Film and TV. Handy in a trivia game but not much else. My parents were never murdered, I'm not avenging my dead wife. Just plain, old sat at a computer with a head full of knowledge I mostly don't use I was born and raised in the Black Country near Birmingham, England however am now living in Manchester, England after I moved here two years ago. I currently attend the University of Salford, studying Broadcast Journalism. That's it really. Told you there was nothing special. If you're really that desperate for something to do, follow me on socials. Yes, I do like that ego boost.