Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

4. Stewie Kills Lois/Lois Kills Stewie

Family Guy 4Season: 6 Episodes: 4 & 5 Original Air Dates: November 4th & 11th, 2007 It might be a bit of a cheat to include two episodes in one, but the fact that it's a two-part story that sees both episodes work well makes it alright. Here, we have Lois receiving cruise tickets as a birthday present, angering Stewie when she takes Peter and leaves him behind. After becoming annoyed by Peter's antics, Lois walks off to be by herself, only to be confronted by Stewie, who rode a speedboat to arrive on the ship. Stewie pulls out a gun and shoots Lois several times, causing her to fall overboard into the ocean. It was truly a stunning moment to watch when it happened. After about a week of trying to find Lois' body, Joe tells Peter that the search has been called off. It's time for the Griffins to move on. Along the way, Stewie all but reveals to Brian what he did, and Brian vows to make Stewie pay for it. After it is revealed that Lois' life insurance policy has been cashed, Peter becomes the prime suspect in her death. At his trial, he is about to be convicted, when Lois makes her return, walking into the courtroom after being missing for well over a year. Lois reveals that Stewie tried to kill her, and we get a big cliffhanger. In the next episode, the residents of Quahog are trying to wrap their heads around a murderous baby, but Lois tells them Stewie is pure evil. She tells the story of what happened to her, including being pulled from the water by a "reverse merman" (human legs, but the upper body and head of a fish), developing amnesia, working at a diner, and getting a new boyfriend that happened to be a white supremacist. After a blow to the head, she regains her memory and heads home. During her story, Stewie escapes and kidnaps his entire family when they returned home. Upon receiving a visit from Cleveland, Stewie shoots and kills him. As you're watching this episode, you're starting to wonder just what the writers are doing with all of their envelope pushing. Stewie takes Brian and they drive to CIA headquarters (which includes expected-but-not-expected American Dad cameo appearances), where Stewie commandeers a supercomputer, taking control of the planet's power grid. After multiple seasons of Stewie saying he was out for world domination, he finally had the planet under his control. This causes Lois to show up in an attempt to kill her son, the new overbearing leader of the world, and they have a comically ridiculous fight inside the White House. The ending of the second episode has left much to be desired in the minds of many viewers, but it was a good way to wrap things up without having to go overboard in what you're trying to accomplish. Overall, it was a great two-part episode that actually left you wondering what would happen next.
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