Family Guy: Quagmire’s 10 Most Pervy Moments

2. Filming Meg In The Bathroom

In the episode "Road to Germany", while the neighbours are watching the Oscars at the Griffins' house, Mort needs to use the bathroom so desperately that he runs into what he thinks is a portable toilet in Stewie's room - it actually turns out to be a time machine. On the way to doing so, he passes the room that is actually the bathroom, only to find that Meg is sat on the toilet. He asks her to hurry because of how desperately he needs to go and Meg says she'll be out in a minute. When Mort again stresses how desperate he is, Quagmire emerges from behind the shower curtain with a video camera - revealing that he was filming Meg on the toilet - and angrily tells Mort that Meg won't be long.
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