This first teaser for the trailer for Daredevil is more a quick statement of intent than anything else. We get the hero's mainfesto, we get the shadows, we get the costume, we get the thumping beat. Tomorrow, when the full trailer comes along we should hopefully get a lot more. But as a first look, it's not bad. It does seem a bit like The Dread Pirate Roberts has wandered onto the set of Lost Highway, but... actually, if only it was that. That would be truly noteworthy. But what we do actually have is a baited hook, definitely. Daredevil is the first Marvel production to come from Netflix and a lot of fans are looking to it expectantly. There have been a number of excuses given why Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter didn't exactly set the Nielsen ratings ledger on fire (clue: the real answer is that audiences are lacking in imagination) and amongst those is the spurious idea that Marvel's hands were tied by a network. As if Agents of SHIELD with have been geysers of gore and Agent Carter full of softcore sex scenes otherwise. It's not as if the Marvel movies are anything other than PG-14 fare anyway. Anyhow, there's a certain crowd looking for Daredevil to be "harder" stuff, whatever that means. As long as it's good stuff - and the pilot's written by Drew Goddard, so I think we'll at least get off to a good start - then I'll be happy. Netflix release all 13 episodes of Daredevil wherever their system reaches on April 10th. I might as well order the pizza and ice cream now.
Brendon Connelly has been a film writer since the early 90s, with time on the staff of Orbit Magazine, Slashfilm, Bleeding Cool, Den of Geek and many more. He's a long time teacher of film studies and practical filmmaking classes, and has directed music videos, commercials, short films and more. His favourite film is Terry Gilliam's Brazil, his favourite food is pancakes or crepes, and he tries to live his life by the teachings of Kermit the Frog.