The Flash: 5 Reasons Why The Pilot Promises Great Things

1. Potential Crossovers

In addition to Detective West and Dr. Wells and the other regulars on The Flash, there was one particularly notable character that will undoubtedly be back in future installments. That character, of course, was Oliver Queen as the Arrow, there to counsel Barry on his crime-fighting conundrum and to remind viewers that Batman is not the only superhero that doesn€™t need powers to protect his city. For those who have never seen Arrow and therefore have no idea who Oliver Queen is or the kind of ab game that he has going on under his gear, the cameo might not have made much sense. For those who are familiar enough with Arrow to wish that there had somehow been an excuse to incorporate the salmon ladder into his scene, Oliver€™s surprisingly perky Flashified attitude might have felt somewhat disorienting. Overall, however, Oliver€™s appearance in the pilot and Barry€™s field trip to Starling open the door to crossovers between the two shows, and the grittier and more physical Arrow could provide a fun contrast to the bright pseudoscience of The Flash. Oh, the hijinks that would ensue! Seriously, though. Crossovers could be amazing. The Flash wouldn€™t exist as a program without Arrow, and nods to the relationship between the two series have the potential to please fans of each and increase viewership for both.
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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .