The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Cast: Where Are They Now?

Carlton €“ Alfonso Ribeiro

Carlton One of the greatest characters to grace comedic television, Alfonso Ribeiro as Carlton; the always-prepared upper-class snob turned lovably innocent bookworm was a key part of the show€™s appeal, and what allowed them to play with racial stereotypes early-on. The Banks family started out listening to classical music and addressing each other in the most regal way possible €“ most poignantly Carlton served as an embodiment of this attitude in stark contrast to Will€™s introduction to the unit. Over time Will€™s social-side rubbed off on him somewhat, and the likes of the €˜Carlton Dance€™ are still engrained deep within our hearts and minds, again brought to bear in that infamous Graham Norton clip. These days Alfonso is still going strong career-wise, although his most talked about appearance remains the aforementioned talk show appearance €“ that is until he€™s soon set to sadly join whatever other batch of €˜celebrities€™ are doing the next €˜I€™m a Celebrity: Get Me Out of Here!€™. Lord help us in deciding if a Carlton-Dancing Alfonso doing his signature jig atop a mound of moss and kangaroo testicles is acceptable or not.
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