Friends: 10 Worst Episodes
The one with a list of the times Friends sucked.

For so many of us, Friends is a timeless, faultless collection of iconic episodes that struck the perfect balance of comedy, drama and romance. The cast alone have become household names and the catchphrases have been woven into popular culture for the last 30 years. This multi-award winning TV series had 236 episodes in 10 seasons and also booted a spin off - Joey (but the less said about that the better).
Despite the god-tier status this legendary sitcom has reached, it's shocking to hear that they did in fact have a couple of stinkers in there. Yes, some of their episodes are the TV equivalent to the Ugly Naked Guy: strange, uncomfortable and should not be looked at for too long. If you're still not convinced then please, grab yourself a dozen lasagnas, quick draw your La-Z-Boy recliner and check out the times the writers phoned it in with clip shows, lazy jokes and some mild transphobia.
10. The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner (Season 3 Episode 14)

Phoebe reunites with her long lost singing partner - Leslie (Elizabeth Daily) who has achieved success through singing in tv commercials. After briefly reuniting, Leslie steals the idea for Smelly Cat and sells it to an advertising company once again leaving Phoebe behind. Chandler is dating a woman with a prosthetic leg and struggles to see past it while Ross goes with Rachel to a fashion seminar so that she doesn't invite love rival, Mark.
What sucks: The main problem with this story is the focus around Ross and Rachel's relationship. If you are a Friends fan who believes Ross and Rachel shouldn't be together, (gasp!) then this episode certainly backs up that argument. Ross comes across as whiny, spoilt and downright rude when he invites himself along to Rachel's fashion seminar and subsequently falls asleep due to boredom. Rachel let Ross in on something that means a lot to her and he acts like a colossal douche.
What doesn't suck: Joey, Chandler and Ginger's story line. Ginger has a prosthetic leg which forces Chandler to mature and see people for who they really are despite their differences. Ginger then dumps him because he has three nipples.