Friends: 10 Worst Things Monica Has Ever Done

6. She Went Out With Chip Behind Rachel's Back

Friends Monica

In "The One With The Cat," Monica accidentally met Chip Matthews at the bank. Believe it or not, this selfish guy finally asked her out on a date. Monica, thinking that Chip somewhere owed it to the girl who had a crush on him and always wanted to go out with the most popular high school boy, happily agreed to it. Of course, she knew that it would cause discomfort to Rachel and will hurt her feelings, as Chip had treated Rachel badly back in high school. It seemed like Monica was stabbing Rachel in the back with her reckless move.

However, when Chip told Monica that he still works at the multiplex for free popcorn and candy and lives with his parents, she quickly realized that Chip has not grown up since high school.

The date turned out to be horrible. Karma is a very real thing! At least she understood that this was a mistake and never went out with Chip again. Nevertheless, she should have respected Rachel's wishes or stood up for Rachel by not agreeing to go out on a date with a guy who had treated her best friend awfully.

Monica was not showing much solidarity or respect in her friendship with Rachel with this act.


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.