Friends Or Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quiz: Who Said It - Monica Geller Or Amy Santiago?

Was it The Big Fat Goalie or The Hall Monitor?

monica geller/amy santiago

Friends and Brooklyn Nine-Nine are two of the most popular sitcoms of our generation. With a fan base spanning across the globe, both shows are top of the binge-watching charts.

Chandler Bing and Jake Peralta may be the most popular characters of their respective shows, but as we all know, behind every great man is an even better woman. Monica Geller and Amy Santiago often get overlooked due to their tightly wound and so-called uncool persona, but there's no denying that they are two very entertaining individuals.

They both strive to be best at whatever they do. Whether it's cooking and cleaning or creating binders for absolutely everything. These legendary shows would not be the same without Monica and Amy. The two characters bring more than their tightly wound personas to the table. Romantic, kind, badass in their unique way, the two characters redefined female arcs for sitcoms to follow and became a role model for female fans worldwide.

Amy Santiago feels like a modern-day version of Monica Geller, but can you tell them apart by these quotes alone?

Answers at the end!

1. "Who's Ready For Some Nonstop Totally Scheduled Fun?"


Software Engineer by day and a self-proclaimed writer by night, this highly functional sociopath is an avid follower of pop culture and everything nerdy. Every hour he can be seen ranting about social media and working up a migraine over everything on Twitter (What a hypocrite!).