Friends Or The Good Place Quiz: Who Said It - Joey Tribbiani Or Jason Mendoza

Are you a Joey and Jason Fan, or will you find yourself in the Bad Place forced to share food?

Friends/The Good Place Quiz

Both Joey Tribbiani and Jason Mendoza are beautiful souls with a child-like innocence. The pair have a wonderfully simple way of looking at the world.

Joey and Jason are lovable "idiots" who are both charming with good intentions. They are both funny... though sometimes not intentionally. One thing that the pair really do have in common is their love and loyalty for their friends. Both of these wonderful guys are perfect, but they make sure that they always have the people in their lives' back.

They are love their sports teams, Jason is an even after-life fan of the Jacksonville Jaguars, whilst Joey loves the Knicks. Joey is a lover of food especially pizza. Jason believes that a molotov cocktail solves everything, though this is certainly not a consumable drink.

Fans of both The Good Place and Friends might think that they could tell these two apart, but the pair can sound similar. Only a select few will be able to get 100% on this quiz! Will you reward yourself with a Joey special after this or are you headed to the Bad Place of quiz takers? Let's find out.

1. I’m Too Young To Die And Too Old To Eat Off The Kids' Menu. What A Stupid Age I Am!


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.