Friends: Progressively Crazier Rachel And Monica Quiz

Only the most die-hard Rach-Mon obsessives will get anywhere close to 100% on this quiz!

Friends Monica And Rachel

Though there's no denying the unbreakable bond of Friends' six main characters, there's surely no best-friendship more sacred and affecting than that of Rachel Green and Monica Geller.

While their friendship undeniably had its ups and downs over 10 seasons and 236 episodes, the duo were also always there for each other when they were needed most, and helped one another become the best version of themselves possible.

But to go back to those ups and downs, Rachel and Monica's friendship has hardly been mere sunshine and rainbows over the years, often testing the extent of their resolve and love for one another.

As much as Friends fans might fixate on Rachel and Monica's status as besties, just how well do you really know the ins and outs of that dynamic, from its weirdest moments to its most genuinely unsettling, even upsetting ones?

Only the most die-hard Rach-Mon obsessives will get anywhere close to 100% on this quiz, where you'll need to recall the strange and ugly moments more than the sweet ones.

But fear not no matter how you do, because the answers are at the end as ever. Good luck!

1. What Has Rachel Stolen From Monica Many Times?


Emma Hannah hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.