Friends Quiz: Can You Complete These Monica Geller Quotes?
"Why don't you stop worrying about sounding smart and just be yourself."

Friend's Monica Geller is the ultimate lover of all things clean and tidy. From putting aways shoes to wishing she had a tiny vacuum to clean her handheld version; Monica loves making sure everything is in its place. She even goes around to one of Ross' girlfriend's home when she learns that it is messy.
The truth is that Monica has a secret that is hidden away in the hall... a cupboard full of clutter! She need to be perfect and win all the time means that she is devastated when her friends and family learn that she isn't as tidy as she would like to be.
Monica's need to have everything in order might be overwhelming but her friends love her just the way she is. Her love of organised fun and being the hostess means that her apartment is always the place to be!
Do you remember all the fun things that Monica Geller has said over the years? We've put together 12 of her best quotes and all that you have to do is work out what to fill in the blank with. Let's go!
Don't forget, all the answers can be found at the end of the quiz. Good luck!