Friends Quiz: Did Ross Say It Or Not?

Think you really know Ross Geller’s best lines and quotes?

Ross Friends

Ross Geller was introduced to audiences at a difficult time in his life, mid-divorce and realistically rather close to a breakdown. It’s almost unfair to judge Ross based on his characteristics from the first series, which, let’s face it weren't great.

While Ross never lost his over-zealous and nit-picking traits, they became more and more relatable when the audience started to understood he was truly a kind and caring guy simply transitioning through his life.

Little did anyone see the radical changes he would go through over Friends’ 10 year span, growing and evolving moreso than anyone else to become a firm fan favourite to the shows’ audience.

Ross isn’t the funniest or most open-minded character, but he has a whole host of intricate traits that create a truly unique persona. His geeky side is replaced with a more cheeky side as the seasons roll on, growing in confidence and cementing his position within the fans’ hearts.

How well do you really know the most relatable star on Friends? Can you tell Ross Geller’s memorable quotes and one-liners apart from the rest of the Friends group? Only people in a true state of Unagi will be able to nail this quiz, so here is your chance to prove how well you really know the Ross-A-Tron.

Answers at the end!

1. “If You Didn’t Eat Fast, You Didn’t Eat”


Gamer girl and all around sports enthusiast.