Friends Quiz: Finish These Monica Geller Quotes

How well do you know everyone's favourite chef?

Friends Monica

It's almost an impossible task to select a favourite Friends character. You have Joey and his charming personality, Phoebe and her crazy musical skills, Chandler and his sarcastic one-liners for any occasion, Rachel and her obviousness to absolutely everything and Ross and his love for divorce and dinosaurs. There is one person missing from this list however. Yes, the one and only Monica Geller.

Throughout , Monica dates a lot of guys. Some nice, some fun, some rich, some old, but none of them compare to Chandler, the funny-man of the friendship group. During Ross' wedding in London, Chandler and Monica 'fool around' a bit and realise they may or may not have feelings for each other. From there the two explore a relationship together and ultimately get married. After this, the pair even adopt twins.

Friends - while mega popular - had to come to and end, and as such every character had a nice send-off that rounded their character arcs well. Monica and Chandler moved away to start their family properly, which was the best possible ending the two could have had.

The question today however is just how well do you remember Monica Geller?

1. "If I Am Harsh With You, It’s Only Because ____."


A grown up... allegedly