Friends Quiz: The One All About Monica

How much do you remember about Harmonica?

Friends Monica

When the first episode of Friends was released on television screens all over the world, few could have imagined that the project would become a cult classic.

Friends is the most famous, popular and most reviewed television show of all time. Although the characters don't answer all the questions with the words "google it" and don't have smartphones and Instagram, they are still watched and loved by millions.

Aside from gathering in the infamous Central Perk café, the six friends mostly hung out in Monica’s apartment. As a cook, she made some very delicious meals and most of the time fed all her friends. Many fans think that it was Monica who was the centre of attraction for all the guys.

She was a perfectionist, reckless and ready to go all the way, obsessed with cleanliness, with an endless desire to do everything perfectly and please people.

She was the first of the six main characters whose name was appeared in the episode title, but was also the one whose named appeared the least. How well do you remember the episodes with Monica's name in the title?

Only Monica herself could score 100% on this quiz.

Answers at the end!

1. In The One Where Monica Sings, Who Invited Monica To A Karaoke Bar?


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.