Friends Quiz: The One With All The Crying - Who Said It?
Rachel always cries!

Over the years, the audience of the beloved show Friends had an opportunity to learn, laugh and relax. And yes, even shed a tear or two. Like that time when Ross missed his chance to appear on the Discovery Channel and took Rachel to the hospital instead. Or when Ross and Rachel broke up for the first time. Even when Phoebe said goodbye to the triplets right after their birth. And how could we forget when Joey and Chandler were no longer roommates. The tears are still there!
Rumour has it that the break up scene of the lobsters was so emotional and intense that both Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer cried. Well, this time let’s take a retrospective look at the ha-ha-ha-not-so-funny parts of the hilarious sitcom. The scenes where the legendary gang got emotional, cried or even gave fans goosebumps.
Enjoy these highlights from the show of all the crying moments! Can you correctly identify who was responsible for the following fifteen quotes all about crying? Let's find out!