Fringe Finale: 9 Huge Questions That Must Be Answered

1. Anomaly XB-6783746


The questions on this list are about the 'Observer Child' who had been found by a demolition company devoid of any outside contact for a very long time. Seemingly very in tune with Olivia he clearly at some point became part of Walters plan, so was hidden in a pocket Universe for safety until the plan was ready. The Observers refer to him as an anomaly, suggesting he is one of them but since he is now unable to communicate we don't yet know too much about him. In a strangely similar conclusion to the X-files we're left with the fate of the world resting in the hands of a socially reclusive bald child with special powers, who said originality was dead? The Questions: Who is he? Why is he part of Walters plan? Why have we not seen any other Observer children? Why was he buried in a secret chamber in the first place? There are likely millions more questions you may also want answered from the show- for example the fate of Astrid, Broyles and Charlie Francis who have all been loyal supporting characters throughout the show, or the truth behind Nina Sharp who was always a little too smug for comfort. Be prepared to have some things left open ended by the time it's wrapped, but continue the discussion in the comments box below. What are you hoping to see happen? Have you any guesses as to what will happen at the end, and where do you feel the show ranks among the others of this century?

Former TV Exec now enjoying a calmer existence... Big lover of all things animated and sci-fi with a few guilty pleasures alongside