Futurama - You'll Never Get 100% On This Amy Quiz!

Sheesh! Guh! Duh! Shmich! It's Amy Wong, back from outer space!

Futurama Amy Wong
20th Television

While not often front and centre to the larger arcs of Futurama, Amy Wong (or Kroker, after marrying Kif) is nevertheless one of the supporting characters who brings life, colour and partyboarding to the show.

Making her first appearance in the first season's second episode, The Series Has Landed, Amy became a mainstay for the show's duration as an intern at Planet Express and eventual PhD graduate (after only 12 short years). The relative youngster of the team, Amy injects their adventures with a hip naiveté that balances out Leela's commanding and often straight-laced approach.

Having previously struggled with her weight, Amy has several slip-ups through the series, as well as many more quite literal slip-ups: she is known for her clumsiness. Across the seasons, she has undergone many physical transformations, including being grafted with other characters' heads and growing some serious muscle mass when her and Leela become Nectar addicts, but she always ends up back in normal proportions, wrapped up in her trademark pink sweatsuit.

Now, down to business, with some challenging questions on everything Amy. "Fa te fung chi gu li da si ne!"

1. Which Planet Does Amy's Family Own The Western Hemisphere Of?


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.