Game Of Thrones: 10 Actors Whose "Acting" Is Distractingly Bad

4. Dean-Charles Chapman - Tommen Baratheon

It seems like a lot of the criticisms in this article are aimed at child actors, but most of said child actors are actually in their late teens - don't feel too bad slating them. After all, do audiences just have to excuse bad acting when it comes courtesy of actors who are relatively young? Is it just something we shrug off as an inevitable part of the business? It doesn't make sense to do that. Because - c'mon - nobody would accept an actor as uncomfortable to watch as Dean-Charles Chapman if he were older and playing an adult role on the show. It just wouldn't happen. Not that Dean-Charles Chapman is the worst actor ever - he just feels Drama School awkward and a bit super cringeworthy in every scene. It's Natalie Portman's fault: she set such a high standard for "being a child and acting" in Leon that it's hard to forgive other young actors for appearing "inexperienced." If she can put out a performance like that at a mere age 12, why can't we get a 17-year-old Tommen who can deliver a believable line once in a while?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.